Diet for cleansing your body from parasites

The most common human parasites are protozoa (amoeba, Giardia, Leishmania, Toxoplasma, Trichomonas, Trypanosoma), worms (roundworms, pinworms, pork and bovine capni, Echinococcus) and an ectoparasite (face it, bed bugs, Demodex).

Helminths is mainly influenced by the intestines, the lungs, and some kind of — the brain. You are going the path of the development of the environment and to human beings, which are rarely of the definitive host. The allocation of food, and the invasive manner of the infection. The first man swallows helminth eggs by unwashed vegetables or contaminated food. Invasive manner the penetration of worms through intact skin, and mucous membranes (Ancylostoma).


Ascariasis is the most common geohelminths. The source of infection is infected people, often children. Excreted feces eggs, non-invasive, should be developed in a soil at a given temperature, the humidity, and the presence of oxygen. Human infection occurs by ingestion of infective eggs with unwashed strawberries, vegetables, greens dining room. Sexually Mature helminths parasitize in the small intestine. The products of the metabolism of the larvae are a strong allergen and cause an allergic reaction. The larvae, during the migration of damage to tissue, which causes the formation of bleeding.

Toxocariasis is a serious helminthiasis, and it comes to severe allergic symptoms: rash, fever, cough, and dyspnea, increasing liver function. Can ophthalmic, keratitis, the presence of the larvae in a glass of the body. This clinical picture is caused by the larvae, which migrate into the various organs. Derived from the eggs of Toxocara larvae migrate from the intestine (through the blood vessels and pass through the intestinal wall into different sections, where they are embedded, and the result is the so-called form of disease, with the formation of granulomas. Duration from months to a few years ago. The disease is curable, but it requires persistence and consistency.

Cleansing from parasites folk remedies

A lot of drugs to get rid of the parasites prefer to treat folk remedies. It is no secret that some of the plants have antiparasitic properties. The most common is how to get rid of helminths:

  • Garlic, allicin, which has anti-bacterial, antiparasitic, anti-microbial action. Used legalmente how to fight with ascariasis and giardiasis. 200 ml of milk to take the head of garlic, and cook until tender. The broth is filtered and it is doing the enema at night. For children, it is important that, from 70-100 ml of the broth. The course of treatment – for a week. For oral administration, take a teaspoon of chopped garlic, 100 ml of milk has to boil for 1-2 minutes, strain and drink on an empty stomach for weeks.
  • Pumpkin seeds contain cucurbitina, a paralyzing parasites. Free of seeds grind in a mortar, add 50 ml of water, and a little bit of honey or jam, if it is the treatment of the child. The resulting mass you need to eat it on an empty stomach for hours. A child of 4 years had to give 80 g of the seeds, which is 7 years old, up to 100 g in adults, to 500 g of the seeds. After 3 hours, you will be asked to drink some milk of magnesia (10 to 30 g of powder in 100 ml of water or 1 g per year of life). After 30 minutes, you need to have a cleansing enema.
  • Wormwood. The dried seeds and flowers ground in a mortar, and the duration of the scheme: the first day of the only herbal diet and a laxative the night-time. In the second and third day: mugwort powder, which lasts for three times a day, to 2 hours before meals for a night-a laxative. The recommended dose is: children 10-14 years old — 3,5 g for adults, the 5, and the Course was repeated three times, with the aim of ensuring that the break in the day.
  • The green walnuts — it takes 4 tablespoons chopped green bark of walnuts 200 ml of boiling water. To insist 30 minutes, strain, drink throughout the day. The treatment for a week or so, and a Supplement to using laxatives.
  • Tansy
  • The flowers of tansy — 1 tbsp raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, and strain. Decoction to introduce the enema during the night, it is a process that is carried out in the course of the week. The infusion of tansy flowers can be taken internally. In a Cup of boiling water to 3 tablespoons. spoon tansy, insist 45-60 minutes to complete. Take 1 tbsp. a tablespoon 4 times a day before meals.
  • Tincture onion — chopped onion to fill a half-liter container of half and filled to the brim with vodka. May persist for up to 10 days. This recipe is only suitable for adults. Take 1-2 tablespoons twice a day during the week. For the children of the onion pour 200 ml of boiled water, insist 12 hours, to give the child to a 70 ml of liquid once a day for 4 days in a row.

The traditional method, which can be attributed to the treatment of the tea, "the triad" — the three herbs are the most effective against the parasites: worms, eggs, viruses, fungi and other bacteria. B. Dr. Clark recommends the use of:

  • A tincture of green walnut shell. Get started with 2 drops per 100 ml of water, what is the amount to 2 tsp in water once a day.
  • Inflorescences community in the form of a powder, a powder in a coffee grinder and take the quantity of 1/5 teaspoon, increase to 1 tsp.
  • The seeds of wormwood — the ripe seeds are dried, crushed, and passed, in the form of a powder (by the reception of a 1/2 tsp, increase to 1/2 tsp of water).

It is recommended that you take all of the components, which are at the same time. All of the complexity and inconvenience of this treatment is that it is supposed to be held for one year, and some of which will lead to the end of the.

There are a variety of "Russian triptych", which contains the powder of the flowers of tansy, wormwood, and cloves. A mixture of extracts of three herbs is creating favourable conditions for the existence of the helminth. A single dose of the powder, the tansy is a 1 year, wormwood — or 0.2-0.3 g cloves and 0.5 g. All of the components, which are, in the strict dosage to a single dose of the mix and put in capsules for medicinal products for ease-of-use, and that it is in scheme:

  • 1 capsule 30 minutes before eating the first day;
  • 1 capsule 2 times daily 30 minutes before Breakfast and lunch on the second day;
  • 1 capsule 3 times a day, and on the third day and the whole week through.

The cleaning of the parasites of the barrel

Soda enemas help eliminate the adult worms and their larvae. To clean the barrel of a home.

  • In this method, first, a cleaning of the salt enema: a 2 liter of boiled water, 2 tablespoons of salt. The water is injected in several stages, in order to avoid out of the tomb, the water should have the 5 to 10 minutes to recover.
  • The second enema will be performed right after the defecation: in 800 ml of water, take 1 tbsp of baking soda, warm water, injected into the bowel, and held for 30 minutes.
  • A third 2-litre enema is done by the addition of 1 tsp of lemon juice, and held for 10 minutes.

The cleaning in three stage, up to 10-fold, resulting in the break of day. After a rectal cleansing take the of soda, a solution to the oral of weeks in a given sample. You should be aware that the use of enemas is contraindicated in colitis, since they may exacerbate the disease.

No matter what program is being used to treat (pharmaceutical drugs, folk remedies, or supplements, you need to change your diet, which is of crucial importance in the process of getting rid of the worms.

Vegetables and fruits

Diet for cleansing your body from parasites

Of course, with the help of a diet, it is not possible to get rid of the parasites is the only effective in the use of herbal and medicinal products. At the time of deworming is to be excluded:

  • The consumption of meat, which is hard to digest, and provides a basis for the putrefactive processes in the intestine, and an environment conducive to the breeding of the parasites.
  • The milk, as it contains the protein casein, which is the age, it is not digested by the body. Undigested protein also serves as a breeding ground for parasites, who are not allowed to be consumed, and milk and milk products, sugar, yogurt with toppings, ice cream, dairy drinks, fresh cottage cheese.
  • All of the sweets (sugar, honey, sweets, cakes, jams, marmalades, jellies, marmalades, puddings, yeast, baking).
  • Fresh fruits and dried fruits (especially for athlete's foot).
  • Coffee and all alcoholic beverages.
  • Wheat, rye flour, pasta, all kinds of rice and fruit muesli.
  • Eliminating foods with dyes and preservatives and sugar substitutes.
  • Salt to taste. Or, as an option to replace your marine or algae.

In your diet include the following:

  • Vegetables and fruits, most of which have to be consumed fresh. Beets, onions, garlic, courgettes, squashes, cabbages (brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower, cabbage), watercress, spinach, green onions, carrots. With a good resilience, the focus of the leguminous plants (beans, lentils, peas).
  • Whole grains (excluding wheat and rice).
  • Seaweed, spirulina.
  • To observe the drinking mode — 2 litres of fluid a day, including green tea (no sugar), cranberry juice or cranberry juice. Antiparasitic effect of the vegetable juices (beet) and mix it with the juice of carrots and cabbage).
  • Add in cooking, Apple cider vinegar, if tolerated can be drunk by dissolving in the water.
  • Milk, sugar, and colouring matter, sir.
  • Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds.
  • The mushrooms (white and chanterelles).
  • Butter or olive oil (use no heat treatment).
  • Shall be included in the diet of the animals, the spices: turmeric, ginger, pepper (all kinds), fresh chilli (if not contraindicated), in the root and leaves of horseradish, ground cloves, mustard, milk thistle, and flax. The seeds are added to salads, smoothies, porridge.

After performing the analysis of the anthelmintic program

  • Try to stick to a separate power supply.
  • Given the preference of natural and "live" food, it's raw, not frozen.
  • The food should be boiled, stewed or baked, not deep fried.
  • Also, avoid refined foods (white sugar, wheat flour, white rice).
  • Regularly consume fruit juices, fruit drinks, and fruit drinks are often use the the green smoothie.
  • Eat more greens with the products have passed thermal processing.
  • Continue to keep drinking regime (1.5-2 liters of fluid).
  • Many of the species of parasites, which are killed in the acidic environment, so try it all year round for the use of the bilberry, cloudberry, cowberry, cranberry, undiluted juice is a natural remedy for Trichomonas.
  • In order to avoid constipation is to eat a lot of vegetables with crude fiber, germ, bran, and whole-grain bread.
  • Limit your intake of alcohol.

Allowed foods

If the deworming program is necessary to take into account that, vegetarian diet. Soups are cooked in a vegetable broth. The allowed cabbage soup from sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, vegetable and cereal soups. Tuck them into the sour cream and add whatever herbs, spices, and herbs. The bread is unleavened. Vegetables, fresh and stewed, it must prevail in the diet.

The allowed vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, stuffed vegetables, stews, vegetables, and cereals, stews, vegetable patties and vegetable, caviar with herbs and seasonings. You can eat all the cereals (except for rice and wheat), a fruit to make pilaf, or pilaf with the vegetables. Dairy products should be presented in a natural yogurt (preferably homemade, is cooked on the live cultures and cottage cheese.

From the drinks — broth hips, vegetable juices, green tea, herbal teas, cranberry, cranberries, fruit drinks out of this fruit. After graduating from the program, you should eat lean meat and chicken 1-2 times a week, the other days of the week, is to enter into the diet of the fish dishes.

In whole or in part, limited products

  • It is not allowed the concentrated broths (fish, mushrooms, meat).
  • Off meat, smoked, salted, pickled, fried dishes, fish and meat, canned and smoked fish.
  • In the following table for the limit of the salt, and the abandonment of sugar and other simple carbohydrates yeast breads, and cakes.
  • It is not permissible to fresh fruits and dry fruits.
  • It is not allowed in the diet foods with artificial colors and preservatives.
  • Drinks should exclude strong coffee, fresh juices, beer, sweet soda and alcohol.